New parents

First-Time Parenting: Navigating New Challenges and Finding Quality Baby Products at Reduced Prices on Secondhand Marketplaces

By Amber Katz, Contributor

It's a wild ride, this parenthood thing, isn’t it? One minute you're happily engulfed in baby snuggles, the next you're questioning your sanity over a chorus of ear-splitting wails. Let’s talk about it all! This battle-tested first-timer (a.k.a. me, more than slightly sleep-deprived but surprisingly functional) is here to share some expert advice and practical solutions to navigate those early, chaotic years. 

I’m a new mom of a six-month-old baby boy who had little experience with newborns until I had my own. I’m happy to share my best tips and tricks for everything from developmental milestones, to sleep regressions, to toddler tantrums, to scoring eco-friendly kids’ items. In typical me fashion, however, I’m living moment-to-moment, so I’ve enlisted the help of a mom friend of a three-year-old to weigh in on that last one. We’ll get there when we get there 😀. 

Read on for more affordable parenting solutions

Communication is key (like, seriously key)

Remember those pre-baby conversations you had with your partner about parenting philosophies? Yeah, those were cute. Here's the reality: Communication is your lifeline. My husband and I spent the first few weeks like a bumbling comedy duo, trading confused glances over the crying machine (yes, that's what we called the baby monitor then). Despite his having gone through the baby phase before (I have a 14-year-old stepson), there was still a lot for both of us to learn.

So my advice is to talk openly, manage expectations, and remember, teamwork makes the dream work (and by dream, I probably mean a decent night's sleep). Nighttime shifts are your new best friend when you have a newborn. 

Decoding the cryptic cries (they don't speak fluent human yet!)

Newborns are adorable little enigmas who communicate solely through decibel levels. Here's a crash course.

  • The hangry cry: This one comes with a side of frantic rooting and flailing limbs. As a newborn, my son would act as if he’d never been fed in his life when in reality, he was fed about 30 minutes prior. Anyway, translation: "Food. Now. Please!" In need of extra bottles in your rotation? Odds are, you can find them on OfferUp for much less. 

  • The sleepy sigh-cry: Yawning, eye-rubbing, redness around the eyebrows, and a general vibe of fading enthusiasm? It's bedtime, folks!

  • The discomfort cry: This cry can be accompanied by squirming and back-arching gymnastics. This is typically a time to change that diaper or address gassiness with a little tummy massage. Baby leg exercises are also key here! Check them out on YouTube or Instagram. Your baby may also be too cold or warm. Need a PJs restock? Check out the secondhand baby clothes and affordable baby gear on OfferUp for gently used onesies perfectly suited to your climate. 

Taming the sleep monster (because seriously, who needs sleep anyway?)

Remember sleep? It’s a distant memory for most new parents. I remember a friend telling me to repeat to myself, “I will sleep again.” And I did, like a mantra. Three or four months in, I was sleeping in four-plus hour blocks at night. For a while, he was barely napping. I know. I KNOW. I would joke that he didn’t sleep like a baby but like a 45-year-old man with two jobs. But in the moment in the early months, I felt like I was Bernie of “Weekend at Bernie’s” fame. (Did I mention I’m also a new old mom? I’m a Xennial, born on the cusp of Gen X and Millennials. Cue even more exhaustion.) 

Back to sleep: Consistency helps. We established a bedtime routine — even for naps — that involved a warm bath, calming music (the Dreamy Daisy Mix on Spotify is fabulous), and a book. Then, we get that white noise going. I’m a fan of the Happiest Baby Snoobie rain-on-the-roof option. Pro tip: Invest in blackout curtains  — your sleep-deprived self will thank you later, trust. You can buy all kinds of discounted baby equipment like white noise machines for a fraction of the retail price on OfferUp. 

Milestone mania: Celebrating those tiny victories

Every coo, giggle, and that first wobbly step — they're all victories! Familiarize yourself with developmental milestones, but remember, every baby develops at their own pace. My little guy is a champion roller and is working on mastering the art of crawling. Embrace your child’s individuality, and those milestone moments will be even more special. The Wonder Weeks app is a great way to know what milestones (and fussiness periods!) are ahead and it gives you a checklist of what to look for in terms of development. OfferUp is a fantastic solution for finding age-appropriate, recycled baby toys to support growth without breaking the bank.

Tantrum tamers: You’re not alone in this fight

The dreaded toddler tantrum. It's enough to make even the most patient saint want to hide under the couch. Here's the deal: stay calm, my friend Lindsey says. Your zen master impression might feel fake, but it works. Identify the trigger (tiredness, hunger, a rogue sock missing its partner?), offer a distraction (a new toy, a silly song — anything!), and validate their emotions. Toddlers can become devastated, literally, at the drop of a hat. "I see you're feeling frustrated" goes a long way, Lindsey adds. “I’ve been there. I've commiserated with my dog over a particularly epic meltdown in the cereal aisle. You're not alone!” she says. 

Another tool in your belt is OfferUp! It’s the best resale platform for parents for a reason. The app’s community of parents and families can be helpful when your child is experiencing something and you could use someone to bounce ideas and experiences off of. It’s a place for secondhand baby supplies and secondhand parenting tips! This is especially true for first-time parents. And it’s more than just a platform for buying and selling. The joy of getting what you need at a reduced price, plus decluttering the things you no longer need, and doing so sustainably, is real

Essential gear for the win (without breaking the bank!)

Let's talk tools! The right stuff can make a world of difference. Here's where OfferUp comes in — it’s your one-stop shop for gently used baby gear at amazing prices. It makes sustainable parenting easy. I snagged a practically new baby monitor, outgrown new diapers, and extra formula from a neighbor, a lifesaver during those early months. It’s all about gently used children’s items. Swaddle blankets? Check. A playmat for tummy time adventures? Double check. Crib, stroller, high chair, bookcase for all those board books you'll inevitably collect —  OfferUp has it all and at a fraction of the retail price. I’ve learned to check the OfferUp app before heading to those online retailers we all know and love. It’s easy, it’s sustainable, and it’s inexpensive. We love that!

The takeaway: Embrace the chaos. Embrace the cuddles. Save on the neverending slew of baby must-haves with secondhand shopping for families.  

Parenthood is a rollercoaster, a beautiful, messy, sleep-deprived rollercoaster. Amid the craziness, there's magic. The first smile, the tiny hand reaching for yours, the giggles, the first words (my baby’s better be “mama,” just saying) — these are the moments you'll always remember. So, take a deep yoga breath, newbie. You’ve got this.

And if all else fails, there's always OfferUp for budget-friendly baby products and a bottomless cup of coffee. We’re here to help you with your parenthood quandaries! Thrifted baby essentials also make it easy to find what you need and get it quickly. 

Download the OfferUp App (Apple Store or Google Play)  and start browsing for your next kid or baby essential — or selling those you no longer need. Whether you’re looking for used children’s furniture, pre-loved baby gear, sustainable kids’ fashion, or affordable toddler essentials, you’ll find it on OfferUp. It’s your eco-conscious parenting solution.