About Us

We help people and businesses of all kinds come together to get more of what they need closer to home

OfferUp is the home of local commerce and connection. We connect more than 150 million local buyers, sellers, businesses, and job-seekers in communities across the U.S. through a simple, trusted mobile app.

  • 150+

    Million Downloads

  • Top 10

    Shopping app

  • 30M

    Annual transactions

OfferUp is where local communities shop, connect, and prosper

Find amazing local deals

Get a great price on anything, and buy from neighbors and local businesses you can trust

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Post items for sale easily

List an item with just a picture and a few details and reach thousands of active local buyers 

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Connect with people securely

Check our profiles and ratings, and message right in the app without sharing contact information

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Build your business

Reach thousands of local buyers searching in your area for what you have to offer

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Find your next job

See new employment opportunities in and around your local community and apply for your next job

Start your search →

Check out expert tips and advice for budget-friendly, eco-conscious parenting